
Jan 28

Paper: What to Keep and How Long to Keep It

Have you tried to get a handle on your paper clutter, only to freeze when you realize you don’t know what to keep and what to toss? Here’s a fairly comprehensive guide* for how long to keep certain documents. When in doubt, ask yourself “how will I use this?” If… more >

Aug 07

5 Small Steps to Solve Your Biggest Organizing Problems

Problem #1 I’m drowning in papers!  Do it today: Stop junk and unwanted mail from coming in, then set up an incoming paper system before you work on clearing the backlog. Having a filing system already set up gives you a place to put those papers as you sort them. Problem #2 I never have… more >

Sep 13

Clearing the Information Backlog: how to get rid of paper and email clutter

Now that you’ve taken action to stop paper clutter before it gets in the door, how do you deal with the backlog that’s accumulated?  So many of my clients feel overwhelmed by the idea of sorting through stacks (and often bags and boxes, and sometimes entire rooms) of paper.  Your… more >

Aug 02

3 Ways to Cut Paper Clutter for Good

When you decide to take on paper clutter, the first thing you’re going to want to do is tackle the overwhelming backlog that has accumulated like the driven, hyperventilation-inducing snow.  RESIST! The best way to start getting the paper in your life under control and organized is to stop it… more >

May 20

Organize Paper Goods with Magazine Files

I’m a teensy bit obsessed with using magazine files to organize any and all loose paper products.  Envelopes, pads of paper, notebooks, and anything else that tends to look junky or end up in an inaccessible pile in a drawer all integrate seamlessly with your decor when you put them… more >